
Showing posts from August, 2023

The UK Government's Absence at the UN: What It Means for Disabled Peoples Rights

In recent news that might have flown under your radar, the UK government has decided to sit out an important meeting at the United Nations. This isn’t just any meeting; it scrutinises the treatment of disabled people under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). To put it bluntly, our government says, “No thanks, we’d rather not discuss how we’re doing when it comes to supporting disabled people.” A Look Back at 2016 You might be wondering, "Why should I care?" If you look back at 2016, the Committee of Disabled Human Rights Experts released a shocking report. It laid bare the systemic discrimination against disabled people in the UK. And let's not forget that these findings resulted from relentless research and advocacy by Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC). The Real Impact Now, five years on, a shadow report suggests things have actually gotten worse, not better, for disabled people. Remember, these are not just statistics on